At present there are many FAQ’s about dental implants and in addition to how convenient or not to have a dental implant in Tijuana, costs?, how long will dental work take?, quality of implants, experience of dentists, etc.

In this post we will be addressing these doubts, trying to cover all the frequently asked questions that we have been asked, as we will always try to be very clear and honest and also provide more information about dental implants.


What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a prosthesis used to replace missing teeth. It is a small titanium post/fixture that is inserted into the jawbone, on top of which a single crown (cap), a fixed bridge, a partial denture, or full denture can be attached.

Once the implant integrates to your bone, a structure called an abutment is connected to the implant and then the artificial tooth/teeth are attached. Therefore, there are 3 parts to an “implant tooth”: the dental implant itself, the abutment, and the artificial tooth.


Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

Talk to your prosthodontist for your specific needs. But almost anyone who is missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all teeth are candidates for dental implants.


Can Dental Implants Last Forever?

Dental Implants are offered as solutions that last a lifetime. But if you take time each day to keep your teeth, you will have bright white teeth. Several studies indicate the long-term survival of dental implants: up to 20 years.

How to Avoid Dental Implant Failure

To avoid dental implant failure, you must commit to oral hygiene every day. Proper brushing and flossing, as well as regular check-ups with your dentist several times a year can keep you smiling from cheek to cheek.

In some cases it is also advisable to visit your dentist at least once a year after having your dental implant, this review should only be a revision, since in most cases a dental implant with normal minimum care should of being for life.


How much do dental implant cost in Tijuana?

In Tijuana you can find a wide variety of prices in dental work, and in dental implants in Tijuana is not the exception, a wide variety of prices and services in dental implants.

In general, the cost of replacing a single tooth with a dental implant is almost the same as replacing it with a regular fixed bridge.

The cost will vary by patient needs, bone quantity, and region. A prosthodontist will make an assessment based on your unique needs.


What is better a bridge or an implant?

One of the biggest benefits of dental implants is that they protect the other teeth. In the case of a dental bridge, the natural teeth have to perform the function of support. The implant is not putting any strain on other teeth.

Implants require little maintenance. This is one of the biggest differences between this option and dental bridges. High quality implants can last a lifetime. Dental crowns and bridges will have to be replaced every 10 to 15 years.

If you are considering implants, you should take in consideration another important advantage – implants are easier to maintain. The cleaning process is very simple and flossing between implants is possible. In addition, implants look more natural and facilitate chewing, since the dental bridge may slip.


Can dental implants be done in one day in Tijuana?

Also called same day implants or Teeth in a Day®, immediate load dental implants allow placement of a temporary tooth during the same appointment as your dental implant placement.

But as I said, it all depends on each patient’s need, it is always better to take the time for each dental procedure, and even more so being the dental implant, in Tijuana you have the option of being able to do tourism in the city and know everything that the City offers, restaurants internationally and urban food that has no comparison.


How soon after extraction can I get an implant?

Sometimes, it is possible to place implants on the same day as teeth are extracted but usually, it takes three to six months of healing before you are ready for implant placement. Waiting for a very long time after dental extractions may result in loss of bone, making implant placement more difficult.

Are dental implants worth it?

Implants are expensive, usually $3,000 to $5,000 for a single tooth, depending on where you live, not counting the crown. Dental insurance typically covers little or none of the cost.

Dental implant cost in Tijuana is approximately $1,500 per tooth, including dental crown or porcelain work in most dental clinics.

They offer this service, a specialty is not required for this, but it is very important that you take the time to find the best dentist in Tijuana for a dental implant service.


Are dental implants removable like dentures or do they stay in your mouth?

No, dental implants are fixed solidly in the bone and allow teeth to be replaced in a manner that is closest to natural teeth.


How do dental implants help if I have full dentures or partial dentures?

Dental implants can be used to provide retention and support for a removable implant overdenture, which basically snaps on the implants!

Therefore the partial or full denture does not move and reduces the dependency on denture adhesives/denture glue.

Or, dental implants can be used for a fixed denture, where a patient’s dentures are fixed/bolted to the implants through titanium components. Only the dentist can remove this from the mouth.


Can a tooth implant get infected?

Dental implants function just like natural teeth and they can become infected just like natural teeth. Infected dental implants become diseased or fail if they are neglected or do not receive regular care from a dental professional.

Features of an infected dental implant are similar to those of gum disease and can include one or more of the following symptoms: 

  • Loose or wobbly implant
  • Red or puffy gums around the implant
  • Icky taste
  • Bad breath
  • Throbbing pain or discomfort from the area
  • Dull ache on palpation
  • Exudate (pus) visible from the area
  • Threads are visible on the implant
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Fever
  • Bleeding when brushing around the implant

Your Tijuana dentist can diagnose peri-implantitis quickly and comfortably with a clinical exam and radiography. The long-term goal is to arrest the progression of the infection and maintain the implant.


How long after dental implants can I eat normally?

About an hour after surgery, you may remove the gauze sponges that have been placed in your mouth and have something to eat. Be sure to eat foods that are soft for the first 24 hours after surgery. Avoid hot foods and drinks for several hours after surgery. Also do not drink from a straw for at least 24 hours. These precautions will give your mouth a better chance to heal properly.

Can I drive home after the dental implant?

If you were asleep for your surgery, it will take some time for your alertness and coordination to return to normal. You may also experience some blurring of vision following anesthesia. For these reasons, we recommend that you do not drive or operate machinery for the first 24 hours after surgery.

Will my recovery time be painful after the dental implant?

The amount of discomfort you’ll feel after surgery usually depends on how extensive your surgery was. If your doctor did not give you a prescription for pain medication at the office, he probably feels that your discomfort will be minimal.

The local anesthetic used during surgery will begin to wear off within 2 to 4 hours and you may begin to feel less comfortable after this time.


Can I smoke after dental implant?

Though smoking is a risk factor for implant failure, it is not considered an absolute contraindication. When implant treatment is planned, smoking history should first be obtained and should include the duration, the intensity (past and present), and the present status of smoking.

Can I eat rice after extraction?

For the first 24 to 48 hours, eat only liquid and soft foods like yogurt, apple sauce, and ice cream. Avoid eating harder foods at this time, as these might damage, or get trapped in, the recovering area.

Examples of liquid and soft foods include:

  • apple sauce
  • yogurt
  • smoothies
  • broths and blended soups
  • mashed potatoes
  • Jell-O, pudding, and ice cream

Cold foods like Jell-O, smoothies, and ice cream may relieve some discomfort. Nutrient-rich soups and smoothies can help promote healing. Soups in particular can help balance out the other high-sugar options on the list.


What not to eat after wisdom teeth removal

There are some foods that you should avoid following your wisdom teeth removal. Stick to the foods listed above for the first few days. Avoid the following foods for a week or more until the extraction site has healed. 

  • Acidic and spicy foods (including citrus juice) may cause irritation and pain.
  • Alcoholic beverages can irritate the area and are likely to interact negatively with the pain medication prescribed by your doctor.
  • Grains (including rice and quinoa) and any types of seeds can easily become trapped in the extraction site.
  • Hard or difficult-to-chew foods (including nuts, chips, and jerky) can reopen the stitches and delay healing.

You should also avoid smoking or using any type of tobacco for a minimum of 72 hours after surgery as it can severely increase the risk of complications. Don’t use chewing tobacco for at least a week.


Are dental implants safe for diabetics?

The use of dental implants in diabetic patients is controversial. In patients with diabetes, dental implant therapy has been considered a contraindication. Although it is generally accepted, the patients with controlled diabetes have similar rates of success for dental implants as healthy individuals.

FAQ - All About Dental Implants in Tijuana
Article Name
FAQ - All About Dental Implants in Tijuana
At present there are many doubts about dental implants and in addition to how convenient or not to have a dental implant in Tijuana, costs ?, how long will dental work take ?, quality of implants, experience of dentists, etc.
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Dental Implant